Extended Markdown features

This page showcases the ability to use extended Markdown formating features in workspace documentation files. The full list of available extensions to standard commonmark markdown features is documented in the flexmark wiki Extensions page.

Most of these extended features have to be activated in your architecture model as a property in workspace views.

workspace {
    views {
        properties {
            // full list of available "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions":
            // - Abbreviation
            // - Admonition
            // - AnchorLink
            // - Aside
            // - Attributes
            // - Autolink
            // - Definition
            // - Emoji
            // - EnumeratedReference
            // - Footnotes
            // - GfmIssues
            // - GfmStrikethroughSubscript
            // - GfmTaskList
            // - GfmUsers
            // - GitLab
            // - Ins
            // - Macros
            // - MediaTags
            // - ResizableImage
            // - Superscript
            // - Tables
            // - TableOfContents
            // - SimulatedTableOfContents
            // - Typographic
            // - WikiLinks
            // - XWikiMacro
            // - YAMLFrontMatter
            // - YouTubeLink
            // see https://github.com/vsch/flexmark-java/wiki/Extensions
            // ATTENTION:
            // * "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" values must be separated by comma
            // * it's not possible to use "GitLab" and "ResizableImage" extensions together
            // default behaviour, if no generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions property is specified, is to load the Tables extension only
            "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "Abbreviation,Admonition,AnchorLink,Attributes,Autolink,Definition,Emoji,Footnotes,GfmTaskList,GitLab,MediaTags,Tables,TableOfContents,Typographic"

Table of Contents

[TOC] element which renders a table of contents


will render into

Usage info

“TableOfContents” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "TableOfContents"

Render Tables

Standard tables can be embedded in markdown text syntax:

| header1 | header2 |
| ------- | ------- |
| content | content |

This will be rendered as

header1 header2
content content

Usage info

“Render Tables” is an optional feature, that is enabled by default. If other optional markdown features are activated in workspace views properties, than you have to ensure, that Tables is listed in the extension list as well.

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "Tables"

Admonition Blocks

Admonitions create block-styled side content.

!!! faq "FAQ"
    This is a FAQ.
!!! attention "Warning"
    This is a warning message

!!! info "information"
    this is an additional information

This will be rendered as


This is a FAQ.


This is a warning message


this is an additional information

Usage info

“Admonition Blocks” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "Admonition"

GitLab flavored markdown extensions

Please see GitLab flavored markdown features for a detailed description. Unfortunately only the following features are supported by Flexmark markdown renderer, that is used here.

Multiline Block quote delimiters

If you paste a message from somewhere else

that spans multiple lines,

you can quote that without having to manually prepend `>` to every line!

If you paste a message from somewhere else

that spans multiple lines,

you can quote that without having to manually prepend > to every line!

Inline diff (deletions and additions)

With inline diff tags, you can display {+ additions +} or [- deletions -].

The wrapping tags can be either curly braces or square brackets:

- {+ addition 1 +}
- [+ addition 2 +]
- {- deletion 3 -}
- [- deletion 4 -]
  • addition 1
  • addition 2
  • deletion 3
  • deletion 4


Math written in LaTeX syntax is rendered with KaTeX. KaTeX only supports a subset of LaTeX.

Math written between dollar signs with backticks ($`...`$) or single dollar signs ($...$) is rendered inline with the text.

Math written between double dollar signs ($$...$$) or in a code block with the language declared as math is rendered on a separate line:

This math is inline: $`a^2+b^2=c^2`$.

This math is on a separate line using a ```` ```math ```` block:


This math is inline: a^2+b^2=c^2.

This math is on a separate line using a ```math block:


Usage info

“GitLab Flavored Markdown” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "GitLab"

Automatically adds anchor links to headings, using GitHub id generation algorithm

Usage info

“AnchorLink” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "AnchorLink"

Definition Lists

Converts definition syntax of Php Markdown Extra Definition List to <dl></dl> HTML and corresponding AST nodes.

Definition Term
: Definition of above term
: Another definition of above term
Definition Term
Definition of above term
Another definition of above term

Usage info

“Definition Lists” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "Definition"


Allows to create image link to emoji images from emoji shortcuts using Emoji-Cheat-Sheet.com and optionally to replace with its unicode equivalent character with mapping by Mark Wunsch found at mwunsch/rumoji

thumbsup :thumbsup:  
calendar :calendar:  
warning :warning:  

thumbsup 👍
calendar 📆
warning ⚠

Usage info

“Emoji” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "Emoji"


Enables list items based task lists whose text begins with: [ ], [x] or [X]

- [x] Completed task
- [ ] Incomplete task
  - [x] Sub-task 1
  - [ ] Sub-task 3

1. [x] Completed task
1. [ ] Incomplete task
   1. [x] Sub-task 1
   1. [ ] Sub-task 3

will be rendered as

  •  Completed task
  •  Incomplete task
    •  Sub-task 1
    •  Sub-task 3
  1.  Completed task
  2.  Incomplete task
    1.  Sub-task 1
    2.  Sub-task 3

Usage info

“GfmTaskList” is an optional feature, that has to be activated in workspace views properties

    "generatr.markdown.flexmark.extensions" "GfmTaskList"

Placing links on markdown pages is easy. You can link to: